Tuesday, May 21, 2013

I did what it takes!

All weekend long, I did what it takes.  I want to be fit and healthy.  I made choices this past weekend, each day, all day, that got me one day closer to my goal.  I'm very proud of myself :)

I have now gone close to a full week of eating "clean".  All natural, whole foods.  I always know I feel better when I do this, but fall off the wagon all.the.time.  Last Sunday (Mother's Day) I weighed in at 174.6.  Yesterday, one week later, 171.6!  Now that's motivation!

I exercised most days last week.  I went on a nice long walk with friends on Saturday.  I wore my new Nike+ armband that keeps track of distance, time, and calories burned.  I think I FINALLY found what motivates me!  I like to see with my eyes how many calories I burned. I like to see how far I walked, etc.  Saturday's walk I burned 452 calories!  We went almost 4 miles.  That's awesome for me!  Yesterday I did 45 minutes at the gym on the treadmill.  I burned 350 calories. 

I'm going to list my mini-goals and rewards in this blog.  I usually try to come up with something for every 5 or 10 pounds lost, however, I never lose the weight :(  (until now, that is!).  And the scale doesn't usually move quickly for me when I'm lifting weights and working out.  And this is a lifestyle change, to be healthy.  So, my goals will be for time working toward my overall goal!

Even though I have one week under my belt, I am starting these time incriments as of today.


Two weeks working out/eating right:  (June 3, 2013)  - Manicure (which is a big deal for me as I've only had 1 in my entire life. I'm deprived)

One month working out/eating right: (June 20, 2013) - Massage (my fave)

Two months working out/eating right: (July 20, 2013) - Mani/Pedi

Three months working out/eating right: (August 20, 2013) - New tennis shoes

Four months working out/eating right: (September 20, 2013) - Mani/Pedi/Massage (the full sha-bang!)

Five months working out/eating right: (October 20, 2013) - Not sure.  Something Rad.

Six months working out / eating right: (November 20, 2013) - New wardrobe! 

It just so happens that my birthday is November 22, right after my 6 month goal of working out and eating right.  I WILL make that goal!  And I WILL ring in my 37th birthday looking HOT!  Better than ever before!  I can't wait :)

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